Pioneering Global Financial Empowerment: Nigel Green’s Exemplary Approach

Nigel Green | Founder and CEO | deVere Group
Nigel Green | Founder and CEO | deVere Group

A financial services industry professional with more than four decades of top-level international experience, Nigel Green, the Founder and CEO of deVere Group’s over-arching mission is to help clients reach their long-term financial goals through the powerful combination of personal financial advice and innovative digital solutions.

His inspiration for establishing the company arose from a profound belief in democratizing access to financial expertise. Observing the challenges individuals faced in navigating the complex world of finance, particularly expatriates, Nigel envisioned creating a global organization to empower people with personalized, independent advice for achieving their long-term financial goals.

Another driving force behind establishing deVere was Nigel’s dissatisfaction with working under ineffective managers. This dissatisfaction prompted him to make the pivotal decision to start his own business two decades ago.

The company was swiftly launched, quickly expanding operations to include offices in multiple countries, driven by the ambition to become the premier global financial advisory group. The unwavering objective has always been to excel in every aspect of their endeavours.

Today, deVere Group stands as a game-changer in the industry, with no equivalent in the market. Collaborating with top institutions to obtain the best products for clients, the company has a vast global presence on every continent. Nigel and his team are now focused on achieving a new level of excellence in the digital era.

Principles of Motivation, Communication and Positivity

Nigel emphasizes the significance of effective leadership in maintaining a client-centric approach across diverse regions.

He recognizes motivation as a pivotal quality of leadership and personally prioritizes accessibility to everyone within the organization to sustain high levels of motivation. Leading by example, Nigel adopts a straightforward, honest, and industrious approach.

In addition to motivation, he underscores the importance of strong communication skills for effective leadership. Maintaining close and regular contact with all members of the organization is crucial for them to reach and often exceed their full potential. Active listening and communication across all sections of the business are essential aspects of this approach.

Remaining positive is considered another indispensable facet of effective leadership by Nigel Green. He believes that negativity should never impede progress; instead, maintaining focus and a continuous commitment to learning is essential. Regularly enhancing knowledge and skills is crucial to staying at the forefront and ensuring ongoing success.

Commitment to Personalized Service and Cutting-Edge Solutions

Nigel highlights that deVere Group’s main goals are centred around providing a global, round-the-clock service for clients, regardless of their location or nationality. The aim is to position clients in optimal financial standing through personalized financial advice and cutting-edge fintech solutions.

The company leverages its extensive global presence, strength, and abundant resources to assemble a team of industry-leading advisors, enabling the offering of an extensive range of services.

These services encompass a suite of fintech apps, market-leading low-cost financial solutions, innovative investments with specialist fund managers, insurance, property, tax consultancy, mortgages, FX, and more.

The company places a strong emphasis on world-class governance and compliance procedures, ensuring that clients can trust they are on the path to achieving their long-term financial objectives with peace of mind.

 Comprehensive Financial Solutions for Global Clients

deVere stands out by offering an extensive array of financial solutions, covering the entire market. Many of these solutions are exclusive and tailored specifically for clients by some of the largest financial institutions globally.

The range of services includes international retirement planning, education fee planning, mortgages, international investment funds, and more. Recognizing that each client has unique financial requirements and objectives, deVere places paramount importance on providing a broad spectrum of expert advice.

This ensures that clients are not only well-positioned to achieve but to surpass their long-term financial goals for themselves and their families.

All products recommended by deVere are carefully selected to be suitable for the jurisdiction, fully regulated, and aligned with the client’s financial objectives over the long term.

Leading the Global Charge

Nigel emphasizes the significant lesson of managing the progression of deVere’s 100 different entities worldwide as CEO. His responsibility is to lead the company toward the forefront of innovation and the fintech revolution.

Beyond business, Green is deeply passionate about aiding investors in achieving purposeful profits, focusing on investing in companies that prioritize environmental sustainability, safeguard employees’ and consumer rights, and advocate for board diversity, corporate transparency, and stakeholder accountability.

In terms of leadership, Green recognizes the importance of ensuring team members feel valued, encouraged, and heard. Effectively supporting, communicating with, and aiding individuals within the organization are pivotal aspects of cultivating an environment that fosters creativity and generates great ideas.

Media contribution

In addition, Nigel Green is a go-to authority on financial and economic issues and industry news, always in demand for quotes, and opinion by media around the world including CNBC, Newsmax, MSN, Yahoo Finance, BBC News, Reuters, Daily Express, The Guardian, The Financial Times, Forbes, and The Independent, amongst other media. He also has a highly active presence across social media platforms, generating immense interest across the globe; around 16.1 million views and 49.3k subscribers on YouTube and 55.1k on Instagram, with these numbers increasing all the time.

Fintech Excellence

According to Nigel, the financial services sector has undergone substantial technological transformations in recent years, with fintech revolutionizing the delivery of financial services across the spectrum.

Setting a precedent, deVere Group not only became the first international advisory firm to actively pioneer and advocate for fintech but continues to hold the position of the largest and most successful fintech provider in their domain.

Rather than resting on its considerable achievements in fintech, deVere Group consistently expands its repertoire with an ever-growing collection of pioneering wealth tech products and services, often trailblazing in their uniqueness. In essence, no other firm rivals deVere in terms of fintech development, innovation, and implementation, and the journey is just beginning.

Client-Centric Approach to Financial Planning

The foundation of deVere Group’s approach lies in attentive listening to their clients, aiming to comprehend their current financial status and future aspirations. Nigel ensures the team prioritizes the establishment of enduring relationships that foster trust and rapport. This becomes particularly crucial when assisting individuals with something as fundamental to their lives and the lives of their loved ones as their wealth.

Over the past two decades, their experience has shown that this approach contributes to the long-term financial security of their clients. By meticulously planning and ensuring they have sufficient funds to cover expenses and maintain their standard of living in retirement, they aim to provide peace of mind.

Innovative Solutions for Global Investors

deVere Group’s commitment to meeting the unique needs of expats and internationally mobile investors has driven them to innovate in several key areas.

First, tailored solutions for global lifestyles. Understanding that expatriates often lead dynamic, internationally mobile lifestyles, they have developed structured products and pension plans that seamlessly adapt to changing tax environments, currency fluctuations, and regulatory frameworks across different jurisdictions. The company’s aim is to provide clients with financial solutions that are as flexible and mobile as they are.

Second, comprehensive expat-focused advisory services. Recognizing the complexity of global financial landscapes, they’ve implemented comprehensive advisory services specifically designed for expatriates. Their team of international financial consultants is well-versed in the intricacies of cross-border financial planning, ensuring that expatriate clients receive guidance that addresses the nuances of their unique situations.

Third, technology-driven accessibility. Leveraging advanced technology, the company has developed platforms that enhance accessibility for their international clients. Through secure online portals and mobile applications, expatriates can manage their structured products, pensions, and life insurance policies with ease, regardless of their location. This emphasis on technology also allows for real-time updates and personalized financial insights.

And fourth, cross-border compliance expertise. Navigating the regulatory complexities of multiple jurisdictions is a fundamental challenge for expatriates. Their team places a strong emphasis on staying abreast of regulatory changes globally, ensuring that their clients remain compliant with tax and financial regulations in their host and home countries.

By combining these innovative approaches, deVere aims to not only meet but exceed the expectations of their expatriate clients and international investors, providing them with a financial partner that understands and addresses the intricacies of their global financial journey.

Pioneering Trust and Innovation

deVere Group is a forward-thinking organization propelled by an unwavering commitment to become the most trusted independent financial advisory firm. Nigel says, “We’re recognized for our integrity, ambition, and distinctive capability to offer the most innovative and enduring financial security for our clients.”

By implementing best practices across all operations, deVere Group aspires to provide a flawless service, devoid of errors and biased judgment, aiming to position its clients in the best possible financial standing. Nigel adds that the sole mission of the group is to stand by its clients, addressing the unique demands of their individual financial circumstances and supporting them through every phase of their life journey.

Leadership Philosophy in Building a Global Financial Team

Nigel emphasizes that building a robust team is contingent on helping, encouraging, communicating, and supporting individuals within their offices all over the world. Effective communication is paramount. Additionally, it’s crucial to guard against negativity and maintain a positive outlook. Staying focused and continually learning are essential for staying at the top of the game.

The group places a strong emphasis on continuous professional development for every individual, irrespective of their role or function. deVere Group is dedicated to the principle of training and development, evident in the substantial investment made in ongoing training initiatives, as well as in comprehensive graduate and apprenticeship programs.

As a hands-on leader, Nigel’s approach involves regular engagement with individuals at all levels within the company, but without resorting to micro-management. His aim is to motivate and inspire, chart the course forward, and while leading from the front, collaborate with the teams to collectively achieve the company’s goals.

Insights for Aspiring Professionals

Nigel’s advice for young professionals aspiring to enter the finance and advisory industry is to steadfastly maintain focus on their goals and ambitions. The principle of never settling and consistently pursuing knowledge by learning something new each day is crucial. Regularly enhancing the skillset can propel them to reach, and possibly surpass, their full potential, enabling them to stay at the forefront. He also emphasizes staying tech-savvy and embracing advancements in financial technology, as the integration of technology is reshaping the finance industry, and professionals who adapt will be better positioned for success.

Effective communication is key in financial advisory roles, and developing the ability to convey complex financial concepts in a clear and concise manner is essential. Furthermore, Nigel stresses on focusing on understanding and meeting the needs of clients. Building strong client relationships is not only professionally rewarding but also critical for long-term success in the advisory industry.

Nigel highlights that undoubtedly, setbacks and obstacles will arise, but the key is to persist and always move forward. In business, regardless of the industry, it’s imperative to not let criticism or negativity impede progress. Perseverance in the face of challenges is a fundamental aspect of achieving success.

Thai Government Advisor

Back in 2022, Nigel Green was appointed to the National Innovation Agency (a public agency) of Thailand. NIA is a leading organisation on innovation promotion in Thailand, to boost the country’s innovation performance at the international level. It established an International Advisory Board (IAB), a top-tier committee providing global perspectives and visions on the future of innovation. Of Nigel Green’s appointment, Salin Deosurin, Senior Innovation Strategist, said: “Nigel’s experience and wisdom in finance and fintech will be invaluable to our organisation and to Thailand. It’s our great honour to have him as an IAB member.”


Nigel Green has won numerous awards over the years, highlighting the dedication, commitment, passion and energy of the deVere CEO. Just a few examples include International Investor Awards 2024 Finance Power 50 – 2024; International Investment’s Financial CEO of the Year; CIO Bulletin’s 10 Best CEOs to Watch 2022; CIO Look’s The 10 Most Innovative Business Leaders Revamping the Future and many, many more.